PAYING WITH % | Low-poly art needed for Android Game.
Friday, September 1, 2017 - 10:23
Hello to you all.
We are looking for artists to make the graphics (graphics include logo, play store or ad specific images, and the game assets of course, anything graphic related to the game.) and UI for the game, the game is almost ready to release a public beta. We need to tell you upfront that we are not paying this work right now. Instead we are offering a percent of the earnings of the game in it's first year in exchange for your work.
We are giving 10% for your work.
The game is an Asteroids-like game. The game will be free and will (hopefully) get some revenue with interstital ads.
- You need to have genuine interest in the game.
- You need to have time to deliver the work on 2017-09-14, very very important to launch in that date and have good graphics.
- The graphics need to be in low-poly art style.
Good info:
- The game is not using a lot of assets right now, so the work is not too big.
- The game resolution is set to 960x540px. So all work must be done with those numbers in mind.
- As you will be receiving a %, you are considered more of a team member than just someone we are paying.
- All suggestions and good critics are welcome.
- There are more content and features planned in the future.
Next week?
It's saturday already!
Sorry, I have edited and specified a date.
Could a very simple rock like this do, I don't think you can expect extremely detailed graphics with such a short deadline :P
Slightly better version
Final Version
Thank you for your interest Spring, well, we don't want super high quality assets, we just want something that reflects the style since it will be public beta, there could be room for detailing and stuff. As for the art you just displayed, uhm I fail to see the game made with that style. I have very tiny creative skills xd.
Remember it doesn't need to be something like that, it could be some kind of pixel art, low poly art, or just some other kind I don't know about, as long as it is simple and appealing it would be ok.
If you can make an sketch of one of the gameplay pictures it would be great, it will give us a lot more to understand what you are thinking.
"Simple and Appealing" is a somewhat subjective term. You're just saying my stuff is ugly. But I can try with pixel art.
Hehe I didn't mean to say that. English is not my native language and I have almost 0 knowledge of graphics, so sorry if "simple and appealing" is not a good description of what we may like.
Pixel art attempt
A different pixel art attempt I suppose, this one is really small tho.
I kinda like the little one :D.. But as a I said, a full in-game sketch would be much better to make a decision.
A final example where I didn't rush as much
You're going to have a really hard time finding anyone who will make a full game sketch when you are so vague about what you want. If you wanted to interest people you should post other game art from other games that suits the style you are looking for. Nobody wants to spend hours making art only to be told it isn't wanted.
@isaiah658, you're talking about VicGuedez right?
@Spring Yeah I was mentioning that to VicGuedez. I see so many devs on here asking for art and the majority of them never even have anyone comment on them because they don't know what they are looking for. Posting example graphics is gives a clearer understanding of the style they want and attracts more people.
@isaiah658 yeah that's definitely true, most of those I tend to give a chance anyway tho, since most of them are still gonna be satisfied with whatever you come up with.
But, yeeah, this project doesn't seem that promising, when you have unclear requirements combined with a sharp deadline and a payment model that might earn you nothing at all. :P
@VicGuedez, if you don't respond to me within 2 days I'm not going to take on this project because of the time constraints. So if you haven't found anyone else to do this yet, please make up your mind if you want me or not, soon. ^^
@isaiah658 Thank you for comments, will post some examples.
@Spring, Good to see your honesty. Yes, it's a risky payment method, yes it's not a big super hyped game, and no, I don't want to work with you. If the game doesn't seem that promising to you, then you just posted for a chance of extra cash.
@VicGuedez funny how you know the intentions and motivations behind why I post.
It's not like I think this is gonna make me any money anyway.
Good games = fun
Judging from that statement, @VicGuedez, you are lacking professionalism as anyone asking to be paid IS looking for extra cash while doing what they enjoy doing. Also, just asking for "Low Poly" and then denying people when you have NO examples to go off of is another sign of lacking professionalism.
Personal Statement, any "Asteroids" game is considered a Middle School project. I would not be surprised if you barely made $10.00.
[NOTE: This user has been deactivated for repeatedly using copyright-infringing works incorporated into artwork. Assets from this user may not be legally usable in your project. Discretion is advised.]
If you honestly want someone to discuss this project with you and help you out, I could maybe develop a few assets for you, but I would need a lot more info about what you need and how you'd like to communicate. I recommend Discord by the way. It's a short timeframe to get art done, so I'm not promising anything, but if we communicate properly, we could get some art made that meets your project's needs. Without direct payment for the hours, I must insist that all art I make for this project be licensed under CC-By-SA 4.0:
Twitch Streamer, Web/Game Developer, & Artist - contact me for commissions, thanks!
@Tap Hello there, I already joined Discord. Hope to get in contact with you there.