Germanic Worker
Friday, April 3, 2015 - 03:40
Art Type:
These are germanic worker unit graphics which I commissioned from b_o for Wyrmsun, and which he agreed to be released under the GPL 2.0 and CC-BY-SA 3.0 licenses.
This germanic worker is based on archaeological findings from the Nordic Bronze Age.

These are fantastic, and perfect for the project I'm working on. Thanks for sharing!
I'm glad you like them!
Good Job, this is cool! :)
Hi, do you have contact info? I have questions regarding how and if I can use this sprite for a game I am working on and i'm not fully understanding the cc by sa 3.0 license. Thank you
I might be able to help with licensing questions. What would you like to know?
I'm creating a commercial game and am looking for sprites and would love to use this one. Given this game. Will be paid I was wondering if I can use it and what I need to do for that to be allowe, who I give credit and anything else required under the cc by sa 3.0
using this asset in a commercial game is fine. To comply with the license, your game needs to mention the author b_o prominently in your credits as well as indicate that the asset is cc-by-sa. Your whole game doesn't need to be licensed cc-by-sa, just this asset... and any modified assets you make using this asset as the base.
That means you can still charge money for people to play your game, but they don't have to buy your game just to use this asset and they're allowed to use this asset in their own projects if they want.
So in your credits screen you would put something like:
and if you made any new units out of this asset, you would also put something like:
Does that make sense?
MedicineStorm explained it perfectly :)
Thank you. When I contacted someone else regarding a different sprite under the same license they mentioned something about releasing any modifications publicly. Is this not required?also say we're to scale the sprite to be bigger, would I have to add anything else to the credits? And also I would credit you, andretinn as well I assume? Thanks again
Any modifications of the sprite would have to be released publicly, which just means the modified sprite also needs to be under the CC-BY-SA 3.0 and be available in a modifiable format like PNG. But just rescaling doesn't modify the sprite substantially, I don't think it is necessary to add special credits for that.
As for crediting me, it's nice of you to mention that, but the work on this sprite is entirely b_o's - I just commissioned it. Mentioning or linking to the game I commissioned the sprite for (Wyrmsun - would be nice but isn't required.
Yes releasing any modifications to the asset under the same license is required. Not the whole game, just the modifications to the asset.
You would not need to add anything more to the credits if you resized the asset, but both the original and the resized version would be under the cc by sa license.
You would just credit the author b_o not the submitter andrettin.
Ah okay thank you all
Hey so I'm making this game with clickteam fusion 2.5 and for the sprite to work it needs to have a frame for each step of s movement in any direction and when I try use select the sprite sheet or animation option in the program it is cut off weirdly for frames and I can't erase without getting a black background. Is there any form of this in individual frames/images for the different movements? Thanks