Error message
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Some simple theme music needed for finished game
I just finished my Kuru Kuru Kurukururin port that is basically done at this point with a nice UI menu system now implemented. All I need is a simple themed music. I'm looking for something simplistic and I don't ask for too much time to be spent on the music. If you want a feel for what the game will look like, I have another thread that shows some of the artwork that I used plus some of Spring Enterprise's artwork ( If anyone can please compose this music please leave a comment. I will make sure to put your name in bold in my credits section :).
Hi, I'm the same person as Spring Enterprises, and I do music as well. I can do a little tune for you, do you have any sort of instruments in mind?
Hey there Spring Enterprise! I don't have too many requirements on the theme music. As long as it sounds good, I'm fine. Maybe some harps would sound kind of nice? I'm fine with any instruments though. The game includes a four biome map with a grassland, ice, dessert, and water biome. I also have another part of the game which includes a maze. In total, I need four tracks, one for the menu, one for the four-biome map, one for the maze, and the last for the "daily challenge." I don't ask for too much time to be spent on the tracks, and I'll make sure to credit your music in bold. Here are is a screenshots of the game:
Good games = fun
I'll start with a biome map theme and then we'll go from there, i guess. ^^
Sure thing Spring Enterprise. I really appreciate your time. I can't compose music for the life of me! :)
Good games = fun
¨Try and see if this is good for your purposes. I made it very simple like you said, and it also includes a harp.
OMG!! This is amazing! It sounds really good!!
Good games = fun
Thank you! Can you use it?
Yes. I just converted it to wav format which I can use in unity. I have to set up an audio manager script and play the wav file
Good games = fun
OK, then, I will make one more tomorrow I guess. ^^
By the way, the maze mode of the game features 10 randomly generated levels so the music may have to be longer (maybe around 5 minutes?).
Good games = fun
I dunnow about that, 5 minutes is pretty long :P
Ok I just played it in maze mode and finished in 250 seconds. If this is still too long, maybe we can just loop the music?
Good games = fun
Make it as long as you are comfortable with. I can loop the music with my audio manager
Good games = fun
Here is a new song. Almost 3 minutes but not 5. :P
Sounds great!! I espeacially like the drum beat in the background!
Edit: 3 minutes it totally fine because I added the ability to loop music in my audio script
Good games = fun
For the daily challenge music, it only needs to be about 1 minute long since it is only 1 level that is pretty short. It can probably be less than 1 minute too
Good games = fun
Alright I got the music to crossfade when it loops and it sounds amazing!
Good games = fun
Here is a 1 minute tune for that daily challenge. ^^
Pefect! I'll add this in! Just one last question: How should I credit you? Should I credit you as Spring Enterprise or as Quadruple Chickenmen Studios? Also, do you want a website included next to your name?
Good games = fun
Spring enterprises, please. With an s at the end. ^^
And i don't have a website as of right now.
I released the game and got really good feedback. You can find it here:
Good games = fun
I don't think you should take those reviews too seriously. Let e have an honest look, i have a hard time believing it's either a 5/5 or 1/5.
I added a review.