Voxel Town Pack Lite
Saturday, March 25, 2017 - 09:14
Art Type:
This is a demo of the Voxel Town Pack: http://u3d.as/uMJ
inbox: .unitypackage.
Each model is made with the toy or Lego-style. You can see examples on the Sketchfab. The textures are made special for Standard Metallic Shader and contain AlbedoTransparency, MetallicSmoothness and Normal maps. You can build the city as you like.
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Without being very fan of the Voxel style I have to recognize that it is a precious work.
Great models you have uploaded here Glitch Squirrel! I have only a single complaint: could you upload them in a more engine neutral format (.obj for example)? Otherwise, they are useless for non-Unity users.
Thank you, farrer.
.fbx+textures archives was uploaded.
@Glitch Squirrel: Many thanls! It's much more usefull now ;)