DENZI's Time, Weather, & Biome GUI
- 08. Pixel Art - UI
- 2D assets
- 2D::Animation/Effect
- 2D::Tile::Orthogonal
- 2D::Tile::Sidescroll
- 3D Dungeon Crawler
- A Pixel Art Collection
- Castlevania Fan Game
- DENZI's artwork
- Favorite Assets
- FX & GUI
- Game Art
- Lore's Adventure assets
- LPC Art Collection + Others
- Metroidvania Art
- NOT CC0 Icons, Cursors, UI
- OGA Art Challenge
- Other art
- Project 2019-2020
- Rockwood village
- RPG (non LPC)
- RPG_Assets_Collection
- Stylized RPG Assets
- Temple and Ruins Assets
- Top Down RPG Pixel Art
- UI_Audio_and_Graphics_Collection
- User Interface
- Zelda Like RPG
A nifty little 112x73 pixel scene window for indicating the biome, scenery, time of day, weather, and phase of the moon! Plus a little animated minstrel rockin' out on a lute to toggle game music playing.
Based on DENZI's GUI artwork:
Differences from original are:
- Added rain animation.
- Added snow animation.
- Reworked stars to look more like a night sky & added starwheel effect.
- Positioned Sun and Moon for day/night cycle and moon phases.
- Added more cloud layers for day, night, dawn, and dusk.
- Consolidated and organized all features into easily consumable layers.
I wanted a way for my players to be able to tell various things about the in-game environment at a glace. Things like what time of day it is, what the weather is like, what the scenery is. Something that prompts the imagination and doesn't break them out of the experience as much as text: "4:30 pm, raining, desert". In real life, the moon isn't always at the same spot in the sky at the same time each night, but whatever. :P
GIMP .xcf file is best, but I broke it down by .png layers as well. This may work well with Denzi's other works.

These are gorgeous.
really awesome!
I really like these, they remind me of medieval "book of hours." Well done!
It is impressive from the idea to its execution.
Those are great - will make a DENZI game ;)
Amazing work! Just want to say the snow in particular looks excellent! It's got a great random drift to it that really hides the looping extremely well!
@capbros: thanks! Yeah that snow animation was fun to figure out. I learned a lot from this.
@Tarius: "book of hours"! Thank you! I knew that was a thing but I could not remember the term.
this piece is so awesome I want to make a game that it would fit with just so I can use it.
Would be great for a time management game, maybe an RTS or something of the sort.
Wow, great work !
Very amazing and beautiful work!
These are great!