Grass Tileset 16x16
Friday, July 29, 2016 - 05:20
Art Type:
- 16x16 chibi rogue-like
- 16x16 for voxels
- 16x16 pixel art sprites for a Harvest Moon style game
- 16XP
- 2D::Tile::Orthogonal
- Asset inspo
- Bonsaiheldin's RPG assets
- Collected
- Cosmic Farms Related
- For future use
- game
- Golden Axe
- Good Extpandable Tilesets /Art packs
- long licence fantasy modern game
- My Favorites (n4pgamer)
- neocities
- PokeClone
- QuestTown prototype
- RPG (non LPC)
- RPG-t.d
- rpg-tiny
- Space Game
- Top down monster game
- Top Down RPG Pixel Art
- Top-down RPG pixels
- X
- Zelda style tilesets
Woah... It took me some time, but i... I made my very first tileset! From scratch! Ever! A tileset! From me! Made with my OWN hands! :D
The archive includes a sample map for the Tiled editor with predefined brushes, so you can easily play around with the tileset. You can download Tiled here:
If you would like to give something back, a donation using the Flattr button on the left would be very much appreciated. <3
Copyright/Attribution Notice:
Bonsaiheldin | Link to this page OR the page on my profile

I like these. Good job.
Looks pretty darn nice for your first :)
Really cool!
@Bonsaiheldin: I know a little closed-source project that these would be perfect for. How do you interpret the Share-Alike clause of By-SA? Derivatives = art collection, but not game code? Or Derivatives = art & game code?
That's good stuff
Whats the reolution, I love the easy transitions.
Beautiful! Such a bright theme!
How do I use this, there seems to be some kind of map creation tool on itch in your link, but I was hoping to be able to just download a pack and be able to import tiles to unity (however, the chunks taken out of the grass make that difficult haha)