8x8 Adventure Tileset (In_Progress)
Saturday, February 4, 2017 - 14:38
Art Type:
A little 8x8 tileset made for an adventure game
The tileset is currently being editted with more tiles as you read this.
(Sep 22, 2017 edit)
Added bottles, gold numbers, and more industrial tiles.
Added demo preview, ignore the tree-fiddy pricetag, it's still free.
Let me know what else you wanna see.

These are great!, I like that you have included the Color ramps.:)
The only thing I would suggest is to make the grass look less gradient shaded. Don't be afraid to let the lightest green be right next to the darkest green without a buffer of that middle green color. I mean, to be honest, no one is likely going to notice it on an 8x8 sprite but for good practice you should know at least. Also whenever you decide to move up to larger sprites this will show. Other than that It's pretty good :)
Love your style!
Thank you for the feedback! I just started with pixel art and tilesets, so there's many techniques I don't know.