Wednesday, January 4, 2017 - 00:29
Art Type:
not so fancy nor shiny gems lots of better gems out there, i was testing if i can make a gem collection on my own i hope this becomes usefull to anyone.
100% Vector
PNG Exports Included

I think with gem graphics there's a lot of them that look roughly the same. That's both good and bad. I like how these have a different personality. Colors are cool too.
Thats true most of them look roughly the same, and thanks glad u saw something a bit different in the maybe i will try to make more unique shaped ones in the future.
Actually meant other gem sets that look like the stereotypical gem you see in games. So yours look different from them and similar too each other, which is a good thing. Sorry I was unclear.
actually thats what i understood, seems i was the one unclear in my reply :D
Thank you very much, I will use it in my next game!
glad you liked them badr i hope they become usefull xD
Beautiful, elegant, and distinctive. I am using these in a free educational module I am building for platform game development in Game Maker Studio; thanks a lot for sharing these with the community.
Thank you, i am glad they will be usefull Thank you