Tempest in the Aether art wishlist
Hey folks!
I've got the art wishlist for Tempest here. If you feel like getting started, feel free to do so. If not, we'll see you on the 30th! :)
P.S. Please reply to this post if you're going to start working on something, so effort isn't duplicated.
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Wow, their forum has been unstable. I haven't been able to get it to load for a day now.
I can't reach it either, but it should be in the google cache: http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:http://www.tempestintheaether.com/forums/index.php/topic,506.0.html
I'm making a Grandfather clock, it will be uploaded once the normal mapping is out of the way.
Thanks for the google cache link, forgot about that.
Also, does anyone know which is the best license for this project? They haven't specified one have they?
Edit: Made chest of drawers, oil lamp, 2 oil lamps chimney collection, dustbin, sink & walking stick.
Here's the list, copied from their forum until they can get their domain issues resolved:
Sound Scapes:
Scrap Yard
Lovelace (main town)
Theme song
While riding trolley
Mining Facility
Sound Effects
Attack metal on metal
attack metal on wood
Attack wood on metal
Motor sounds
Mechanical door opening
Trolley Sounds
Steam Whistle
Record Skipping
Robot Sounds
Ray Gun
Geiger Counter Clicks
Sounds associated with gui (opening inventory etc)
Pixel Art:
Chess Set w/b
Pixelized icons of our robot art
Pixel Map of Lovelace
Wow, what a project is this? They are not even able to keep a website up! It's down since one week or more now.
Yes, the timing of these domain issues is unfortunate, particularly since they give anonymous people on the internet with no knowledge of the actual situation an excuse to question the dedication of the entire project. :p
hahahha :)
Hey there Ubunho,
Our whole domain name has been out of commission for a while. We expect that to be resolved tonight. Don't give up on us! We'll be back and in full swing soon.
To explain: a donor paid for the site and had the domain name on an automated repay system. The bank involved was purchased by another bank and did not carry over the accounts. This person was quite hard to reach for a brief spell, but the project will be fully back online with no troubles quite soon. Bear with us.
tempestintheaether.com no longer works, they bought tempestintheaether.org.
So the site does work again, but on a different domain