Witch Girl
Friday, December 23, 2016 - 14:43
Art Type:
My first post on this lovely site! I hope you guys enjoy it as much as I enjoyed making it. I created this myself using Autodesk Sketchbook. I would love to see what people create or do with it so please post a link here for me or message me. If you have any questions or would like a commissioned peice please send me a PM. Thank you very much for you time!
~Crystale Reid
Copyright/Attribution Notice:
Original Art by Crystale Reid (CC-BY 3.0)

She's very cute!
Thank you very much!
It looks like there's some brown spots near the right side of her arm.
Oh no! Thank you so much for pointing that out. I'll fix that as soon as possible.
The download copy is correct without the floating pixels only the preview has them. :)