Buttonzz and Iconzz
Saturday, December 10, 2016 - 22:44
Art Type:
Buttonzz and Iconzz
Yes, buttons and icons: thousands of them!
Separate buttons and separate texts so you can create whichever button you like.
Should you use these assets in your game, then please be so kind to click the button 'I'm using this'.
I'm also on Patreon: if you would like to help me create even more game assets, please consider supporting me on Patreon...

If you're serious about having patreon support I suggest you build assets of greater relevancy and perhaps gain some more design experience. This looks to me very reminiscent of 90's flash games, where every interface was made of default gradients in standard shapes with low-contrast system fonts on top. To be honest it's suspiciously amateurish compared to your 8ball game graphics.
Hi tiagor2,
thanks for your comment.
I assume some people can use this asset and some people can't.
What about gamedevs for instance that actually want to create a 90's flash game?
I agree with you that some assets are better than other assets but still learning, you know...
Thanks for the positive remark about the 8-ball game graphics ;-)