200+ Tileset - Mega Metroidvania
Itch.io: https://thechayed.itch.io/kiiras-resources-pixel-art
With 200+ tiles in this set, I'm bringing the worlds of Metroidvania and Mega Man together in one collective tileset. Please let me know what you think!
Now has some extra tiles for mixing some of the tilesets, as well as a some background tiles! I'll probably make some full background scenes later to go with this :).
(So far only using 20 colors)
It's been bothering me for some time that my original Metroidvania tileset was so bare, and the first remake was such crap. I added to the original and only got a couple clicks on the addition, and probably simply because it's really not that good. And because of it seriously lacking any real polish, and because I wanted to start on some donation/marketting kind of set up with my pixel art, I thought I'd start here, with a mix of Mega Man and Metroidvania style artwork.
You can opt out of crediting me for the tileset if you buy it via Itch.io, or the other markets I'll be potentially adding it to. Thanks for the help, guys!
BTW, please share my work with others and let them know who I am! I need publicity, and doing this will help me upload here more often!

Nice looking tileset, I might use this!
Very nice !!
Please share it if you do! :)
Probably the last update includes some snow tiles. :) I might add to this set later though! Enjoy!
nice look
Looking good. Im using this in my new platform game.
I will post the game here when it's done.
Awesome! :)
That is really great. I will be using those somehow in my megaman-like game, thank you :)
Hey, as promised a while ago. Here are the Alpha of the game i'm creating. Enjoy!
Great game, Axaka! I really enjoyed it.
Wow, great game, Axaka! :D I'm glad that my art has been used in such a well made project! If you're interested in more help with pixel art, I'd be more than willing to make time!
Awesome, I can't wait! :)
I'll make another tileset to go with your game :) In the same style and pallete as this one, of course. I'll also make some adjustaments to this set so it looks better in-game, because some of the tiles don't look as good as I'd like them to when put side-by-side.
Anyways, if you want, I'll make Water/Ocean tiles, Sand Tiles, Underwater Tiles, Possibly Underwater City Tiles, and a ship.
Thanks, that would be awesome. Unfortunately i have a lot of other things on my schedule for a while. I may be able to do a little though. :)