Demonic Eye
Sunday, March 31, 2013 - 15:57
Art Type:
Inspired by a few games and some of Redshrike's art I decided to model a Demonic Eye.
It has a basic rig, no animations though. Textures are 256^2 handpainted, including the Krita .kra file if anyone wants to play with layers.
Attribution Instructions:
Please link back to if you feel like crediting me.

I remember first seeing an eye creature like this in everquest 16 years ago. I was like cool an eye. It was just sitting there floating there. So I ran up to strike it with my sword and it turned around and charmed me. lol. I remember looking down and seeing the message like "you no longer can control yourself".
That was the first time I saw a monster of this type.
I am just a pile of useless information today it seems.
OH, it looks cool, is like the demon eye from terraria, great work!