Base Male Fighter
Saturday, November 5, 2016 - 04:31
Art Type:
A completely free base male pixel art.
The package includes six different sizes and an example with a chinese battle gi in white with blue details.
Upadate: Added a new battle gi with gloves
You can get it too from Voxel Art Store:
You can find more of my work on my Voxel Art Store profile:

This looks really good! But it seems very similar to this other work by Leviathan-16, which is CC-BY-NC-ND
Yours is clearly more detailed, but are these too similar to safely use?
You will find similarities as it is the same style (LSWi)
If you search about LSW style and, the most actual, LSWi style you will find a tons of characters
I worked on a base that is twice as large as the rest
Cool, well you've done a really good job with yours! Thanks!
@DezrasDragons as you have spotted the simularaties, in my opinion, I would say no, sadly. However the author says "use only my base, not my Sprite sheets" so it may be ok, but it can't be CC public license as the authors license is different, which makes it conflicting and is somewhat confusing whether this is safe or not.
:edit,ignore: didn't see other posts when I wrote this, sorry.
Really, anyone coul apply non public license to this style
LSW = Legendary Super Warriors (a dragon ball game for GBC)
that is the true origin of this style and the community has made it evolve, so anyone could lock this style by any type of license
I have no issue with the style or your work, it's really good! my response was that someone made a similarity to your work with someone else's with a particular license, which has a no derivative conditions, and whether it would be safe to use, my opinion on it was no from what I see, others will make there own opinions. :)
This is pretty close to infringing on the Dragon Ball IP. If it is a LSW character, it is definitely not compatible with an open license. If it's just inspired by LSW stuff, maybe not, but in legal terms, I feel like this still falls under "substantial similarity".
I think this is genuinely intended to be a separate character and is not truly a derivative of any copyrighted works, but its inspiration is still dangerously close. I'd advise caution when using or producing these sorts of assets.
It is quite difficult to find a similarity with LSW game
Good suggestion. Thanks for sharing.