Savage [Animated] - Classic Hero Edit
Tuesday, September 27, 2016 - 02:16
Art Type:
Bunch of naked savages created to use in Slow Builder 2.
One black, one white, one Indian. They're all wearing the same clothes.
The only reason they're naked is because I couldn't do the ripped clothes properly for the animation sequence. The files named '2' are double the size of the originals.
All based on Jason-Ems Classic Hero

Nice ones!
It's a great job and bulky. I like it.
Thanks guys! It's always the simple ones I can do. I've still got some ideas for more advanced sprites I'll be requesting @dezrasdragons to use his expertise for ;D
If we're "requesting", can I suggest some green baddies (i.e. goblin/orc) or maybe some modern goons for the gentleman spy?
I'm no good at anything off head. If you show me a picture or other art I can adapt it and recreate it in the Jason-Em style. If it's not too complicated LoL. Anything else, I request from Dezras: Check out the Surge and Android he did!!!
@Boom I actually did do a little work on a green goblin baddie a while ago, but was never quite satisfied with its club, and got caught up with other stuff. Here's a draft of the idle animation. I also made a version without the ears which gives it more of a green cave-troll kind of look.
Looking at it (and especially the earless one) I think this would be a really well matched enemy for one of these savage heroes!
@dezrasdragons You didn't post an awesome sprite because you wasn't entirely happy with the club! Hahaha, just post it! Looks good to me
@dezrasdragons Ooo, I really like the forehead, whats the CC on this guy?
Glad you like! All public. CC0. Do what you want how you want. Feel free, that's the best way!
Yeah, goblin looks great to me and would be a good match for the savage heroes.
You guys are both doing some great work with this concept. The collection is really starting to fill out. Thanks for all your efforts.