PIXEL FIGHTERS - How I've create the bosses
Monday, August 22, 2016 - 01:57
Art Type:
This is a "tutorial" about the way how I create all "bosses" for my games.
The current scene is a cut-scene from my game "PIXEL FIGHTERS", a hardcore shmup, still in progress, since 2009!!!
Well, the work is: first = build a lego model. After that, just follow the tips on image. Enjoy.
Copyright/Attribution Notice:
Copyright by Tião Ferreira, for educational purpose. Please, give me credit if you use it on your tutorial compilations.

For tutorials there is a dedicated forum, and you are not sharing art either; this is plain trolling, im flagging this HARD
This is tagged as concept art, not 2D, not 3D, not textures, heck, not even music or sound. It *is* concept art. So what's your problem with it? You don't like it? Then don't look at it. Maybe someone else will.
And do you even know what the word "trolling" means? I've seen a lot of people try to use it lately as (deep breath) "things I personally don't like and the whole world should only be what I like and if you disagree ever even though my beliefs are only in my head so nobody would know unless their psychic and nobody has to follow them because it's a free country but you stated something I disagree with so you must be trolling." That's *not* what it means. In fact, your comment more closely meets the real definition than his does.
I don't get the rage here.
Danimal, sorry if I did not please you. I didn't understood the way of "OGA" for licenses's classification. Unfortunately, the tutorial is incomplete my machine rebooted before I can save the absent image. So, here are the absent information:
This tutorial has not secrets: the key-point is creation bosses concepts, using Lego blocks or similar.
First, play for few minutes with blocks. Let Your imagination run free :) When some ideas appear, build what you imaginated.
So, here is the original form how VULTUR-RAPINANT was born:
After that, the work is just port the block vehicle to paper or any tool for image edition. This case, I drew on a paper, with a ballpoint pen.
The next step is make the digital version, for final use in the cutscene of game. This case I used old MS-Paint, version XP (I love this old program).
The original screensize of this game is 160x120. Is too smal, I need amplify image 2.000x to see what I'm drawing :) See an animation here: http://tiaoferreira.deviantart.com/art/Vulturanimation-629990178
Well, after several hours playing with unlimited possibilities for finish the scene, I added a sea and a small island for complete the background. You can see animations about more three bosses on my Deviant. Enjoy! http://tiaoferreira.deviantart.com/art/Viewscenes-630016865
Danorder, Thank you for your support :)
Since you only missed the "Profit $$$" step i had taken you for a troll, sorry for that, but you had to admit you skipped way too many step in what you posted first.
Thanks for contributing to the community in the rigth way.