Looking for help with the OGA Community tileset.
Hey folks.
You may or may not have seen my blog entry regarding this, but I'm looking for help putting together the OGA community tileset. I've made some decent progress so far, but there's a long way to go, and things will go a lot faster if I have help. :)
If you'd like to help me out, leave a comment here so we can coordinate our activities.
What do you have in mind?
What is the OGA tileset? What are the aims for it?
Do you need people to help make tiles, or people to help connect with game developers to see what we could do to help encourage their use? Or do you need coders?
What is the vision?
The OGA tileset is intended to be a top-down set of map tiles suitable for use in 2D games, such as RPGs and strategy games. I'm starting out with a generic forest area, and expanding into other types of areas (desert, arctic, town, city, etc). While it has a fantasy-ish leaning for now, I'd eventually like it to have tiles that are suitable for modern, sci-fi, post-apocalyptic, and other types of settings.
As for what I need, for now the top prioroty is just producing more tiles, so that's where I need the most help. As it stands, I don't yet have enough for a viable tileset. Once we have forest and town tiles, I'd like to start pushing the set out to game developers. For the moment, though, if you know any devs who could offer specific suggestions, I'd be happy to listen and take them into account.
Does that help clarify it a bit?
Hi there, this is my first post here @ OAG, great site you have here :)
Ill bite. This is the beginnings of a cliff tile i was working on. Im not sure how to shade them correctly yet so I guess you'd say its form-work. Half the battle. Anyway im uploading these for use with the project. Have your way with them. I'd love to see them finshed off.
Looks really good. I'll prod at it later and mess with the shading, and maybe we can include it in the next iteration of the tileset. :)
Well I would support this. But it seems to be a reeaaally old post. It is kinda exactly what I need right now. :(
Any more development on this post?