Samurai Japan
Tuesday, June 28, 2016 - 12:35
Art Type:
Japan Samurai 3 frames idle mode
just wanna share quick art(you can edit)
i will use it on my game but still not yet finish
comment if you like, or request maybe
Copyright/Attribution Notice:
no needed
but if you want i really appreciate it

Erm.... This is really well drawn, but I'm pretty sure the sword is supposd to go on the LEFT side. (At least according to a book of historical Japanese costumes I have).
ALthough, someone could be really different and make him a "lefty" ... in which case this way would probably be right.
Note: Yup! Just checked some historical samurai photos: everyone's got it on the left side. Not trying to be a jerk, here, but it is good to get the correct info out there so that everybody knows, for future reference. I believe the reason is because the sword is so long that it requires a certain amount of room to draw it out, and it just wouldn't be that easy if you drew it with your right. You'd have to, like... pull it upwards or something, which would be really awkward when you think about it...
Cool drawing, though, definitely. It'd be great if someone made him left handed, actually. Not seen that yet. Wonder how that would throw an enemy off. They'd be all like, "Ohnoes... what the flock do I do now?!" XD (I have no idea, really. Interesting question, though.)
maybe he is left handed swordman lol
honestly is still not yet finished, draw under (1hour+-) in detail it will takes so much time (2 hour++) (alpha,blending,light,etc)
i just started drawing (my 4 art using mouse)
i never think i can draw something but when i start to draw the image that i draw(i have feeling the image cames alive you wont believe it right lol)
but i will try hard thx for the advice :)
Make him left handed ^,^ It sounds like some kind of anime plot.
It's actually doubly impressive that you did this with a mouse, though. Mouse drawing is generally an exercise in self-torture. I'm poor, so I had to settle for a cheap unknown brand of tablet, but buying cheap tablets is kind of like playing roulette with your money: will it actually work? Or won't it? o,0
I still draw with the mouse when I can get away with it, but even though my mouse is slightly higher res, it still doesn't always work the way I want it to... which is why I need to win the lottery. ~_~,
Talent is the most important thing, though, and you seem to have some of that, so...
Note: To be honest, the only reason I noticed the sword thing, is because I had just made that mistake myself, in a story. So you're not the only one.