Cool Sprite Fonts!
Sprite sheets with a cool white font. Great for game text.
Character width: 49
Character height: 46
Character set: ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789.,;:?!-#"'&()[]`\/©@°+=*$<>%
Character width (Construct2 JSON format):
{""c2array"":true,""size"":[2,21,1],""data"":[[[21],[22],[23],[24],[28],[29],[30],[31],[32],[33],[34],[35],[36],[37],[38],[39],[40],[41],[42],[46],[49]],[[""i""],[""'`""],["".,;:!""],[""I°""],[""l1)""],[""(""],[""u""],[""cjv*""],[""La dfknoqxy[]""],[""bghpsz""],[""er-\"+=<""],[""JUV#>""],[""C0?""],[""AFKNOXYt69\\/%""],[""DGHPQR47&@""],[""SZm258$""],[""BE3""],[""w©""],[""T""],[""M""],[""W""]]]}
Character width:
21 "i"
22 "'`"
23 ".,;:!"
24 "I°"
28 "l1)"
29 "("
30 "u"
31 "cjv*"
32 "Ladfknoqxy[]"
33 "bghpsz"
34 "er-"+=<"
35 "JUV#>"
36 "C0?"
37 "AFKNOXYt69\/%"
38 "DGHPQR47&@"
39 "SZm258$"
40 "BE3"
41 "w©"
42 "T"
46 "M"
49 "W"
Want more? See

Hey ho, great font.
One thing is strange though, why using CC-BY 3.0 as the license when you state that you can use it however you want and no credit is required? Release it in the public domain, which matches exactly with said demands :-)
I've chosen this for a project I'm working on. Beautiful work.