Search fail, "border" finds cactuses
Recently I was looking for borders, to be used with an UI that was making for a project. So I typed "border" into the search box and, whooops, I found my cactuses:
First I was puzzled, then I remembered the discussion - these graphics have a blurry border, and someone told me about it, I replied that they are still quite useable and posted an example screenshot.
So, the search finds any word from the comments? I don't think this is good, since at least in this case, the word border in the comment is misleading, someone who is looking for borders sure doesn't want to find cactuses.
So not only the search finds nothing newer than mid of october (not sure, but definitely nothing past december 2015) it also has too many keywords since it indexes the words from the comments, which gives results that really don't match the serach.
Probably rubberduck is to blame for mentioning border
I don't think that the search should use all words from the comments as keywords.