Looking for someone interested to make games with me?
Hello every one i am 17 years old teenager who loves to make games ,i am interested to make games with someone i know how to program in unity 3d
make simple 2D art in inkscape and photoshop and low poly 3d models if u are interested please write me a comment or contact me on my email prikovicproduction@gmail.com and " Happy New Year " every one :D
I use game maker pro and know fully how to code it.
I would be happy to work with a fellow programmer. ;)
Im the same age, not too much amazing experience. I can do 2D art and animation and also 3D art and animation. I have experience with gamemaker version 7 (used to use it when I was a young kid) and about 3 years experience making 3D art for unity. Im bored and need something to do, the project may come to be nothing, but lets do it if you want :)
II cant program so my solo projects normally have great art but totally suck.
I can make very High end 3D models with a good amount of time per asset. Im not too amazing at 2D even though ive been doing it for a pretty good span of time.
I am a pixel artist, I can help with art. Reply if interested.
Can you do textures Alfalfamire?