Open source software
A while back i made a tool to make a font sprite sheet. and i would like to share it with you all but does this site have a place to drop software + code ?
A while back i made a tool to make a font sprite sheet. and i would like to share it with you all but does this site have a place to drop software + code ?
That would be pretty handy!
However, OGA is totally art focused so I don't think there's a proper place to upload something like that.
I suppose if you had a sample sheet or two, you could bundle those with the code and post it as an art submission but that's kind of bending the rules a little.
Alternately, you might try setting up a source forge site for the project, not sure what it takes to do that but I know that's where alot of open source code projects go to live.
About your proggy, does it load a TTF and export to PNG or something?
Does it spit out any meta data (sprite data, curning data, etc)?
Any options to add an outline to the font?
Just curious.
I would just add that TinyWorlds did something similar. He made a name generator program, and uploaded it under the "Documents" section with both a list of sample names, and the program (
I suspect it would be well received if you released your program under 2D Art, packaged with a sample output font sheet.
Ok i wil upload it ad a document thanks DezrasDragons
capbros: jep it exports any ttf font to png with an xml file that has char location data. it was something i could not find so i made one my self :}
its posted: