LPC castle
- 2D::Tile::Orthogonal
- A Pixel Art Collection
- Art for Undying Dusk PDF game
- Credits
- Discontinuum
- Epic Pixelart RPG
- Liberated Pixel Cup
- LPC - Outdoor Tiles
- LPC Collection
- LPC Compatible Terrain/Tiles
- LPC Game assets
- LPC Tiles, Scenes, and Areas
- MedievL Sequence
- Orcish Adventure!
- pixelart-game-by
- Roguelike
- RPG Stuff Collection
- Sample Castle Wars
I wanted to build a castle for use with LPC assets, but the castle tiles in the base assets didn't have the right feel for what I wanted, so I put together my own set, largely inspired by Sharm's 16x16 set.
The set includes six variations for the basic wall tile, a round tower (can be wide or narrow), the base for a square tower, two types of arched window (wide and narrow), a wide (3x3) and narrow (3x2) arched doorway (the wide doorway also tiles correctly if you leave out the middle tiles so it becomes 2x3), portcullis and a draw bridge (both raised and lowered).
To build the castle in the example you need multiple layers of tiles: some of the merlons extend beyond their own tile (in particular, those on the left and right front of the towers). I elected to put the top part in its own tile (if you like, you can think of these tiles as 32x64 rather than 32x32) rather than build a bunch of transition tiles by hand. You can of course make these transition tiles quite easily. I have also shifted some of the windows by half a tile (16 pixels) (for the narrow tower).
The round towers were derived from the LPC-style well and I re-used the wooden bridges from the LPC base assets. As far as I recall, the rest is my own work. Please do post suggestions and recommendations for improvement/expansion.

I updated the set (and demo image), it should now be a bit more complete. The straight crenelation tiles correctly with the round towers.
Apparently I don't know how to update a submission, because I had to delete the old files for the new files to show up...
Updated the set again.
I redid the merlons to make them bigger; they look a bit more like functional battlements now, although they are still small compared to the base sprites. I guess most houses suffer from a "bigger on the inside" syndrome though, which this is a symptom of. Unfortunately I also completely changed much of the layout in the set while doing this.
I opted to not make all possible transition tiles where the merlons need to overlap the tile behind them, but they can be made quite easily if desired. I added the four inner corners for the straight walls so it should now be possible to tile arbitrary wall layouts.
I added five different colour variations for the banners (these are simple RGB swaps) and I finished the chains for the drawbridge.
I'm sure things can still be added to the set, but at the moment I can't really think what's missing (apart from things like roofs and torches, which can be found in other sets quite easily). Please let me know if anyone thinks of something.
Great! Always good to see new LPC sets!
Thanks! I always get excited by new LPC sets, just thinking of what I could do with them (these are inevitably long-term plans though). I need to do some more castle mock-ups to get a feel for what might be useful further additions to this set.
Nice artwork!! Thanks for sharing ;)
I know what could help and it will also cure the "bigger on the inside" syndrome: you should creat a full square of castle walls with a fort in the inside of them. Here's a picture of what I mean:
Oops! Didn't mean to make the picture so big!
Smaller version!:
Great stuff! I wanted to let you know I remixed your awesome castle tiles to fit with other 32x32 castle sets; I also added some gothic architectural features. Check it out here: http://opengameart.org/content/lpc-castle-mega-pack
Would you also be willing to license your contribution as GPL v2+ or v3? I'm trying to license my contribution as permissively as possible...
I saw your castle tile collection and bookmarked it. Looks great! Hopefully I'll find some time again to do something with them.
Regarding the licence, I suppose it's a little tricky. I think I treated this as a derivative of the LPC-style Well and the 16x16 Town Remix. The only licence compatible with both is CC-BY. Apart from that, I generally dislike the GPL for artwork. In my opinion it's a fine licence for software (source code), but it makes 0 sense for artwork (what's the "source code" of artwork anyway?). It's also not very "permissive".
It's not about my personal opinion though, it's about giving people options. I recognise that there is an issue in mixing CC and GPL art, and for that reason alone it's a good idea to dual-licence it (which is why the original LPC art has both, but IMO it should have had CC-BY rather than CC-BY-SA), and I'd be ok with doing that - but I can't change the licence on the art this derives from.
I used the portculis sprite in my game: https://lucas-c.itch.io/undying-dusk
Thank you!!