Dream Nation Project - Attempt Sprites
Sunday, October 4, 2015 - 17:41
Art Type:
Just wanted to share my attempts on making my characters come to life! Still learning spriting.. so yeah! lol These are what I have so far!
Please give credit if these are used in any way... these are my original characters and I would like to keep track on who's using them. :D
PS: I attempted to make it look like something out of Mega-Man, because I was trying to "Mod" the older Mega-Man games with no-success... :p (Probably looks waay worse lol)
My Dream Nation Project

Are the tiles also your work, or are they from something else?
Sorry to ask about the tileset rather than comment on the characters. Don't get me wrong, they look nice to me, but I don't see an immediate use for them for myself. The tileset, however, is a different matter: it looks neat, and I could definitely use something like it.
Do you happen to have a link for the tileset in question?
No, it's fine! :D I did say "Attempt" lol I am still learning spriting, so I'm looking for feedback and maybe even tips. As for the Tileset, it's a opensource tileset from The Mana World.
The set is by MRUK, I would scroll down to find his finished version of it -- "V0.1.12"
EDIT: It would help if I gave the link, like I meant to do but forgot!! lol lol lol lol