freelance 2d artist/animator available
I'm Nicolas Bougere, a 2d artist and animator and I'm available to do freelance jobs.
I can make different kind of animation (pixel art, flash or traditionnal), bakground or illustrations.
You can find a few piece here on OGA and more on my portfolio :
Contact me at
Really like those first two animations.
I'm looking for something similar for my main character (similar to the second animation with the gun) I'm looking for a lot of art (listed in my original post below) but maybe I could commision the character sprites/ animations from you? Looking for art similar to the style of games like Gunpoint and Ronin but in a top-down perspective like Revenge of the Titans. Here's my original post for the commision:
Life is a dream.
-Calderon de la Barca
ronin5-1920x1080.jpg 152.6 Kb [1 download(s)]
earth-09.jpg 88.7 Kb [2 download(s)]
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