Redraw request
Sunday, April 26, 2015 - 22:30
Hello Artistas!
I come here to ask if any of you can "redraw" this :
I need it for a game that im currently developping. Of course i will give credits to the Artist who can make this happen :)
Hello Artistas!
I come here to ask if any of you can "redraw" this :
I need it for a game that im currently developping. Of course i will give credits to the Artist who can make this happen :)
In what style ? Cartoony /Manga/ Realistic ?
I draw for fun and I'm not looking for job.
I already have one ;)
Are you sure redrawing is legal, especially if you openly state that the work is a redraw (i.e. deriviative)?
Even worse, using a similarly styled photograph can result in lawsuit
>You can infringe on someone's idea or concept. For example, there's a famous photograph of Franklin Delanor Roosevelt's wheelchair on the porch of his house. An ad agency for DuPont used the photograph in an ad mockup to present the concept to DuPont. Then the agency took a "similar" photograph of a "similar" wheelchair on a "similar" porch and used it in the actual ad. The original photographer took DuPont and the agency to court and was awarded $40,000 in damages.
I.e. there was no copying involved per se, but court ruling may be unpreditable
Nikita_Sadkov's right, what's the source for this picture?
and what's the point of 'redrawing' it? do you want something in a different style?
Looks like this one by Shigin Ilya