Looking for a logo to be made
I need a logo - and fast! The logo is for my new game DeadHeist, an online mafia based game in an apocalpytic world. It needs to have a zombie holding a gun.
The logo should have
- Giant text saying DeadHeist
- A zombie holdine a gun
- Very bloody
If you can do this, then I will credit you in my game. Thanks!
Have a go with this.
Thanks so much, did you make this?
Yes(-ish?). Its several stock photos stitiched together, altered and stylized. I suppose you could say i didn't "make it from scratch". However all assests were open liscence to begin with so it's safe.
It can only be "safe" if the licenses of all source works are followed, for that to happen the licensing terms need to be known.
If you are using an openly licensed work outside of the terms of the license you are still commiting copyright infringement.
I rather doubt that stock photos on sites other than OGA will be using OGA's own OGA-By license.
Red warrior needs caffeine badly.
This particular artists only requirement is that I let her know what I used her photos in so she can show it off. That is her only addendum to her open liscence usage. So it's safe.
*cough* I'm a male.
Sorry, by "her" I was refering to the photographer of the images I used.