Recolor all the items!!!
- !CO Assets
- 03. Pixel Art - Items
- 16x16 Gfx
- 2D RPG tower defense tactics
- 2D::Icon/Item/Equip
- ???
- A Princess in Fairyland
- Art for Undying Dusk PDF game
- Base pixel art for 3D pixelish RPG
- Castlevania Fan Game
- Dawnbringer
- DawnBringer 16-color Palette
- Elemental Verbs Tower Defense
- Fantasy Item Icons
- hero game
- Instant Pixel Palette Scramble! Assets
- Libre VCMI
- long licence fantasy modern game
- Mourn prototype
- Must Use
- Non-Commercial - Art
- Off The Shelf
- Palette scramble sprites
- Pixel Art
- Project 2019-2020
- Quality game assets
- QuestTown prototype
- RPG Craft
- RPG items (Pixel art)
- Shadowlack
- Side Scrolling Art Collection
- Sprites
- stuff used
- Tale of Two Lands
- Top 2D Art
- Top Down 2D JRPG 16x16 Art Collection
- Top Down 2D JRPG 32x32 Art Collection
- Top-down TIlesets
- ui
- User Interface (UI) Art Collection
- Zelda Like RPG
There are many great item sets out there, but to mix them is very difficult, because they use all different colors and art styles. After i saw the brilliant 16 color palette from DawnBringer (, i had the idea to recolor "all" available items, skills, tiles, etc. which are under a free licence.
At the moment i use a few of my own sprites,
the "420 pixel art icons" from 7Souls (,
"32x32 Fantasy Tileset" from Jerom (
and "Crawl Tiles" from Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup (
When you have another great item set or recolored items by yourself, please post it here. This collection is not complete yet, but i will expand this set in the future.

Where were you licensed matriax's tiles?
Why are they in the preview but not in the download?
Freaking good. Please go on and give us more of this work!
@surt: I think its to demonstrate compatibility
Just because it's in the preview doesn't me they aren't distributing it as CC-BY-SA. If they don't have permission to do that then they're commiting copyright infringement.
I agree with it should be explicitly specified as a comparison not a part of the submission. However, its a nominative fair use to compare two items.
Oh, i made a typo and mentioned dawnbringer and not matriax. Thx for your hint.
The Tiles from matriax are not in the download, because i don't know which licence they have. I have send matriax a mail, i hope he will contact me soon.
For more clearity i have watermarked the demo scene and noted the missing free licence in the description. When i have my first own tiles, i will create a new demo scene.
Thanks PriorBlue for your effort so far, looks verrryyy promising. I'm working on the tiny16-basic tiles by Sharm (which uses db16 palette)
to create a tileset for an RPG game, and your recolored items just fit perfectly.
That also free's me from doing it, as I planned it somehow ;-)
I really like 7Soul's 420 RPG Items, they are awesome, and your preview of them in db16 looks very good.
Keep up the work.
fantastic! if time allow, please color the rest of jerom 32x32 tileset ;)
If you don't have a license for it then you can't include them.
OGA is for hosting "open" assets.
Ok, i have changed the demo scene, all graphics are under a free licence now.
I made a thread asking some questions about color palettes a few months ago, and Bart replied with some helpful information and a conversion of the Crawl tiles to DB16 ( I don't know what the resulting tiles would be licensed under, but maybe they could be a good source of new tiles after some touching up?
Yes, i saw this tileset, but the quality of each sprite is very different and the color count of many tiles are "very" high, so its hard to convert them.
I will first rework the tiles of 7Soul and Jerom, after that, i will look for this tileset and convert the best sprites. The original license is under CC Zero, so i can use them without a problem.
please consider recolor another excellent tileset from Jerom,
Almost every time I look, there are more sprites added to the set. This is pretty awesome; thanks for the recolorings!
Congratulations by this recolor is I think one of the few BEST assets to be found here, I'm sure I will use some of this in my game, then I will of cource credit the relevant people. Great!
the two expasions to 7souls set are included?
Also nice:
Nice re-coloring^^
I used this asset pack in my roguesweeper game! Let me know if you want a key for it.
Thx for sharing ;D
I used these items in my game, SimpleQuest --
I actually ended up re-cropping them to a slightly different size, did some editing and recoloring etc. trying to stay within the style of the original. Thanks for all your work. :)
Hi, I used some of this items in our game in development:
Thank you very much! :)
I used a lot of your sprites in my game:
Thank you!!