Be funny, raise money (help us come up with funny things to put on t-shirts)
Hey folks.
I'm sure most of you have seen the poll. It looks like a fair number of people would be interested in buying t-shirts to help OGA. Thing is, the general consensus is that they'll need to say something cool and/or amusing on them.
So, if you can think of anything cool (relating to art, gaming, open source, etc) to put on a t-shirt, reply to this thread and we'll put it in the OGA Swag Shop (when we set it up, that is). It can be a phrase, a picture, or both. It just has to be printable on a t-shirt. :)
Yo give me one that says instead of ""We make shit happen" it says, "we develop shit happen" Or something like that
Brandon Morris,
Steam Group:
If you guys need any help on projects email me Pay is not mandatory and Im open.
They should have the best art of oga printed on them. :)
Not exactly funny, but some art and freedom related quotes:
All of the arts, poetry, music, ritual, the visible arts, the theater, must singly and together create the most comprehensive art of all, a humanized society, and its masterpiece, free man. (Bernard Berenson)
I believe art is foremost for the artist who creates it. You do it for your soul, and if the rest of the world gets something from it, that's a bonus. (Marion Boddy-Evans
Art is not a mirror held up to reality, but a hammer with which to shape it. (Bertolt Brecht)
True art is undeniable and it is a gift for all humanity. (Charles Philip Brooks)
Art has a prophetic role, denouncing the culture it lays bare. (Langdon Gilkey)
Art is one of the glorious things humans have created. On earth, we are alone in this. Art defines us. (Eugene Mendonsa
Art is not made for anybody and is, at the same time, for everybody. (Piet Mondrian)
I do not want Art for a few any more than education for a few, or freedom for a few. (William Morris)
All art is propaganda; on the other hand, not all propaganda is art. (George Orwell)
Minority art, vernacular art, is marginal art. Only on the margins does growth occur. (Joanna Russ)
Art is the distortion of an unendurable reality... Art is correction, modification of a situation; art is communication, connection... Art is social, self-sufficient, and total. (Jean Tinguely)
Art is like baby shoes. When you coat them with gold, they can no longer be worn. (John Updike)
Art is both creation and recreation. (Lin Yutang)
can I have your number and are you open for development?
for you, my number is in a public domain
Keep your mind open as well as your games.
OGA, Doing more work then Activision since (place year established)
I developed this game and all I got was a lousy T-shirt?
Oga, the game makers who care.
Oga, we have more fun making then we do playing
Oga, like your daughter, Free and legal.
Sharing is caring and caring is Open Source. Hahaha are these corny? I am having fun :D
Brandon Morris,
Steam Group:
If you guys need any help on projects email me Pay is not mandatory and Im open.
I dont want art quotes or anything about art really. The word art is a huge gray area for me and I dont want all that just on a shirt its just ehhh.
Brandon Morris,
Steam Group:
If you guys need any help on projects email me Pay is not mandatory and Im open.
Or how about some jokingly smug ones, like: "OpenGameArt is awesome (and I am awesome as well for being a member)"
Or (more geared at game devs): "I found this site filled with art I could use to enhance my game, and all I got was this lousy t-shirt."
Or (more geared at artists): "I found this site where my art could be used in a wild variety of games, and all I got was this lousy t-shirt." (Surprisingly, I have a really hard time imagining how you artists might see OGA. Maybe one of you could improve on this one?)
They might be a bit long, though.
Maybe something shorter then, something like: "OGA Yay!" (or maybe a bit longer than that :P)
We could....... get are highschool football team on here. Everyone who is top member or fits a certain requirement gets their name or 'screen name" printed on the back. Like a cute OGA 2011 members shirt hahah where it has the listings of their name and what they do best in like pixel artist or something. Yea?
Brandon Morris,
Steam Group:
If you guys need any help on projects email me Pay is not mandatory and Im open.
@qubodup I would totally agree with that but I only do audio unless someone can get an mp3 player taped on the shirt hahaha
Brandon Morris,
Steam Group:
If you guys need any help on projects email me Pay is not mandatory and Im open.
"Oga, like your daughter, Free and legal."
Lol, I like that one :D
How about this one:
OGA, like yo momma, open to everyone.
xD Brandon, those are the best, short, concise, attracting attention and right to the point.
When you turn the last one around, it even rhymes (at least with my accent ;)
OGA, open to everyone, like yo momma
How about "Official OpenGameArt (full logo here) donor" with a big donor medal right below it ... or "Official OpenGameArt contributor" with the possibility to put your recent medals below it.
Nothing fancy, just some simple facts. Do you like the idea?
(also the donor shirt should be for everybody, as buying it makes you a donor already :D )
"Official OpenGameArt (full logo here) donor
That means I can eat 0.14 babies and still be a pretty nice person."
Or something. I'm tired. :/
Maybe a picture of a badly-drawn stick figure with a sword and a shield, and a caption:
"Only you can prevent programmer art."
@bart AWESOME!
qubodup, +1
"Only you can prevent programmer art." +1
Also just a simple OGA logo design would be nice (given a nice looking logo that is).
Is there an official OGA Logo?
Sure, the text with the site mascot. I'll be changing in OGA 2.0. Mockup here:
Will there be a new site mascot in OGA2.0? To tell the truth, I don't especially like the current one.
Not to necro this thread but I made one similar here: