Playing Cards
Friday, February 28, 2014 - 14:33
Art Type:
A couple of variations of playing cards
Attribution Instructions:
"Terms & Conditions: The free game assets on this site are released under the Creative Commons Attribution Licence. This basically means that you can download them, use them in your game(s) and modify them as you like. If you use them in your games, we’d appreciate a small mention somewhere in the credits / on the website (and a free copy of the game would be cool!). Basically, the only thing we don’t want you to do with our assets is sell them as assets to other developers, either individually, or as part of a collection."

very useful!!
hi, ill be using some of these art to my upcoming mobile game.
Sad, the jokes are missing in the deck
I loved the design but sadly cannot use them as I need the joker for my mobile game I am creating.