Looking for 2D artist for Android tower defence game (Largely complete)
I've been working on a 2D Android tower defense game, and the gameplay is almost complete. I am looking for an artist to overhaul the graphics of my game, such that the theme will be synchronized throughout. That will include:
Game icon
User interface
Spritesheet animations (Monsters, towers, projectiles)
Menu screen
Loading screen & Splash screen
The game features mazing, and the concept is pretty different from standard tower defense games. For one, you have a limited number of towers every turn and the gold you earn are not used for towers. Towards the latter levels, certains towers can be upgraded to have special abilities.
I am looking for a cartoony style. If you are interested to see how the game currently looks like, you can take a look here!
Compensation: The game will be free, however I am planning to run adverts. Any revenue will be split between myself and the artist.
I am really excited and looking forward to releasing the game. I hope to find someone who is able to see this project unto its completion. Cheers.
Looks good so far congrats. There should be more art requests like this one and I hope you get an artist to help.
Unfortunately its crashing on my phone. After hitting the "play" or "tutorial" buttons, the loading wheel appears for about half a second and then it crashes. I'm using a samsung galaxy ace 2.
Thanks for the comment. I'll look into the issue :)