LPC Tile Artist
I was working with Sharm to fulfill my static tile needs but she's otherwise engaged at the moment. Is there anyone else available who can produce high quality static LPC style assets? I have fairly clear ideas of what I need and I pay as long as you're good.
If you can animate I might experiment with having you make something a bit more dynamic. I still need weapon animations that work with the universal sprite sheet repo that makrohn made. I have other things besides weapons if you want to animate something. Most of my enemy/NPC sprite animation needs are being fulfilled by Redshrike but if you can make something of similar quality I might consider having you make something too.
You can message me through the contact form or by replying here. If you know me or I've contacted you before you're welcome to email me directly.
No responses yet. Still looking for a tile artist that can do LPC style. If interested I pay good money.