I'm the new guy
Hello, world.
Just thought I would introduce myself, as you may see me popping up all over these forums and in the IRC channel. I've been developing in c#/asp.net for about 2 years now, and have always wanted to do some game development. Recently I followed a tutorial series ona simple space-shooter (being sure to modify it slightly, to solidify my own understanding of the concepts), and now I'm preparing to embark on the adventure of making my own, original project. This site is really cool looking and I'm hoping you guys will be able to help me hone my skills in programming and artwork! (I have a friend who's a better artist, helping with artwork. I'm an absolute beginner when it comes to art).
So anyway, just wanted to say helloooo!
Did you watch the Point, Click, Win! series? I did that one and that's why I started making my first game.
Hmm. Not familiar with it, I'll definitely check it out!
I've actually been interested in game development for years. I have a handful of half-started flash game projects, but my programming skills weren't the best, and more importantly neither was my initiative to learn. Over the past couple of years, I've learned how to really stay focused on stuff and follow a project through to completion, and my programming skills have definitely gotten better, so, I think I'm finally ready to put some stuff out there. My art is still lackluster, but it will be a work in progress. :)
The biggest thing for me is that the space shooter tutorial I'm just finishing up now is my first game to actually be completed; Gameplay, art, sound, music, menus, deployment (private deployment, but deployment noneheless), etc, rather than giving up after the most basic of gameplay is implemented.
If you're looking for a project I'm still working on a game in Flash. Always happy to share source and such if you're interested.
Haha, thanks for the offer! I think I'll stick to my strengths, however, and go with c#/xna for my projects for the time being. I never really got enough knowledge with ActionScript to get into the intracacies of OOP and all the other meaty stuff. Not to mention its been yeeeears.
Just thought I'd stop in and say welcome to the community. We're glad to have you aboard. :)