Meditator statues 32x32
Thursday, July 18, 2013 - 04:03
Art Type:
- Don't list this collection in the archive RPG
- 02. Pixel Art - Environment
- 2D - Collectibles
- 2D - Environment Items
- 2D::Tile::Orthogonal
- 2D::Tile::Sidescroll
- A Jump N Collect Game - scouting
- Amazing Stuff
- Area tokens (PixelArt)
- Block Attack Pixelated theme
- C0 fantasy modern game
- CC0 Platformer
- CC0 resources
- Character - Static - Art Collection
- Collected
- Frostcrest winter jam 2022 scouting
- Gather.Town
- Heavy Is The Crown
- Kujasa
- Objects & Items
- pixelart-game
- PLATAGO! Sir Blastalot Asset Pack
- Project "Jogurt's Greed"
- RPG (non LPC)
- RPG Stuff Collection
- Side Scrolling Art Collection
- Some game
- Super Guido Bro - scouting
- Temple and Ruins Assets
- To Consolidate
- Top Down 2D JRPG 32x32 Art Collection
- Top-down 2D RPG
- Treasure Pixel Art (CCO)
- Zed: AM: Top-Down
Thought of making this after seeing MoikMellah's statues and William.Thompsonj's comment on it.
Some Buddha statues likely useful for oriental-looking decoration. All sized 32x32 and made using the Dawnbringer 32 color palette.
15 color variations provided.
Attribution Instructions:
NOT REQUIRED, though appreciated: credit me as Buch and link back to my OGA profile page

My goodness, you guys are awesome! Now I really do need to invent somewhere to put these so I can show them off! Thank you!
That is epic! I have to create an area in my game just for these!
CòÓL!! ;D