OpenGameArt 100% width: qubodup's userstyle
One of the main reasons why I do not dwell much on the forum is that it is unpleasant for me to browse.
I created a user style which helps me and hopefully will help you (comment on this thread if you like it) too!
I don't really like it. I like the idea, but sometimes the page is a bit too wide. More importantly, the navbar looks off.
Also, you'll never see it if there's content in the moderation queue or someone sends you a private message.
yes, this is considered for use while browsing the forum. pm and mod queue I see via emails (although I'm not exactly sure if I *do* get pm notifications via email..
In 2.0, forum posts should be somwhat wider than they are now. That said, I don't like text displays to be *too* wide -- it actually makes them harder to read.