Help liberate some really nice game art
300$ to go on the indigogo page at the time of posting this.
Will be CC0 licensed :)
300$ to go on the indigogo page at the time of posting this.
Will be CC0 licensed :)
It looks like only $150 now remaining.
Goal reached, first set of files released under CC0 license, but on my advise he added some more nice strechgoals. So please continue to contribute.
Nice, it reached the goal in a short notice. Any chance of uploading it here?
Just do it yourself ;) It's CC0 licensed.
But right now the stuff is quite Blender Game Engine focussed, which isn't really a problem per se, but maybe it would be nicer if someone would clean and sort it first for upload here.
The released file was updated with a nice player model, and a preview picture of one of the stretch-goal enemy models posted.
If you have a few bucks on your playpal please consider to contribute!
The stuff looks very professional, but that it is build around blender game engine makes it quite complicated, at least for me, because I have no idea how things are supposed to work there.
But some nice ideas are in there, for example with the modular level design and all modules share a few modular textures, but they would have to be upgraded, I dont think they will look good in other game engines.
The main problem would be probably to transfer the GLSL shaders. Blender has an export option for that, but they will usually not work out of the box in other engines.
However GLSL programmers seem to be even harder to find than good animators in the FOSS game dev scene.
Are there ANY animators in the FOSS scene? ;)
Converting the environment does not really make sense, I would keep working with the blender engine or rebuild it, would probably be easier.
The more interesting feature on this pack is, that there are complete working character with weapons and special effects, such as muzzle flash and sounds.
First stretch goal reached, additional enemies now included in the download.
What was the initial reason he started the campaign? I wonder how much stuff he still has, for 750$ he says 4 new weapons and on 850$ triple the amount of props.
Sadly the props are not much reusable, but the weapons may be.
I think it was due to him switching attention to a BGE first person shooter project and thus abandoning this game.
I mean why did he need the money? It maybe was not as much as you would have to pay an artist to do something like that, but quite a lot, almost seducing me to try something similar, since I just blown out a lot of stuff for free, but however... ;)
I am the man who initiated the campaign.
Duion,I initially just wanted to reach 500$ to release what I got.The project was supposed to be paid,so I suspended some of my activities to work on it.It was a complete crash for me to hear that I did all the work and no $ earned.I forgot a bout it...and then after a while I though that I can release all the files for some $,and I did so. I placed a 500$ target,and it seemed like I reached it quite fast. Now,it is not my fault because people choose to help and as stated,I asked for 500$ . I added some stretch goals ,people could just not fund anymore,but they did,I thank them and it was their choice.
As a side note,I actually have many people that wanted that and that ,they wanted me reveal my works, and I did. They actually thought this was a good idea ...
It was clear that the game files were designed mostly for use with blender ,however some of them still can be used in other programs.
The goals and the $ requested just are there,the people choose what to do,I am not forcing anyone to fund.
This is how crowd funding works,multiple people help and all get the reward.Afterall people get what they fund.
I hope this clears the situation .
I would like to see the game getting finished as it was supposed in blender game engine, since it was build for this and from what I could see it was already pretty near to complete.
I would like to see it finished too. But I don't find myself in this "story" though.