Blue Space
Sunday, April 28, 2013 - 04:03
Art Type:

Decided to try my hand at an Amiga-like sound, and since my brain is permamently stuck in shmup mode, perhaps you'll find this good for a shoot-'em-up or maybe just to sit back and enjoy.
v0.96: Replaced some minor undertones that had been in v0.8
v0.95: Added some bright synth and tweaked levels slightly
v0.8: Original release
Attribution Instructions:
Please credit me as FoxSynergy. If you let me know what you're working on I'd get a big kick out of it and also link to and promote your project if you like. Either way, thanks!

Hi FoxSynergy, once again you've made a piece of music perfect for my needs. I've used this track in the promo video of my latest game (4Games 1 Screen -
You can see the video here -
Thanks again for the great music :)
Awesome, TheInvader360! I'm really glad you dig it and I'm looking forward to enjoying more of your work. I'm still loving Zombie Survival too! ^_^
Hey FoxSynergy, wanted to tell you that I'm using this track and Core Descent (16-bit) in my #onegamepermonth first game, Duel Blockers - which is a Tetris clone and is playable here -
Thanks for the great music :)
Thanks, Saithir! I'm impressed with Duel Blockers as in most games I'm used to the AI side cheating. Yours is fun to play with. Hope you don't mind if I show it around some. :)
No, I don't mind at all - games are to be played and it feels awesome if someone likes it. Thanks :)
I like it, thanks for share
I will use it in a learning game for
Thanks, asalinasci! I love your creative games and am glad there are more to come.
Oh, in case anyone wants it I can do a fresh WAV version (the original got eaten) . If you're interested just let me know and I'll send it up.
Hey, I would love to use this for my game and I can provide a video when ready. For the credits, would it be possible to inlcude your actual name? Thanks and cant wait to hear back!
I'm really glad it works for your project, tgdesign. Feel free to list me as K. Alex Rosen if you prefer, and thanks a bunch! :)
Hey, i'm using your soundtrack for my game too.
I'm working on a very customized action-strategy & indie space shooter game. Have a little more time to finish. Maybe one month. I'll let you know when it's done. Thanks for this great music. Actually i've tried to convert it to a music 8bit like for less filesize. But i couldn't make it. It is getting disturbing. Then i've decided to use it as orginal. Thanks again. I'll share gameplay trailer video before publishing the game. So you'll have a chance to take a look before.
And one question, what if i don't credit your name(even my own name) in gameplay trailer(not the game of course). Ah, actually i can creadit our names in video information area below the videos.
Good day to you, alobarnon, and I'm really glad you like it! Would you like me to make a downconverted version? If so, just let me know about what file size you're looking for and I'll be happy to see what I can do.
Regarding the accreditation, I only ask to be credited as others are so if you're not crediting yourself either I guess that balances out, right? :P
:D :D :D
Yeah! I would like so much. But only if it'll keep "the pitch". I've tried but it is getting low frequency. I'm lookin about 1mb or less filesize with high frequency, like MIDI quality... but mp3... maybe not possible...
Cool deal. I should still have the WAV so I'll plan to put that up this weekend too (better quality to convert from the uncompressed). :)
Oh thats great, be relax, you have much time..
I made a low-bandwidth version from the original WAV, so the quality seems overall decent to me. Please feel free to grab it above, and let me know how it does for you. :)
yeah the quality is almost perfect but it looks 773kb even length is a few secs. ?
ahh, sorry, the problem about this computer. :S
Oh i love that, it is enough. Thank you again :D i'm gonna use 32kbps version.
v0.95: Added some bright synth and tweaked levels slightly The original version is still available, of course.
I'm not using your music :( sorry for that, i've found someone else from my country and he has lots of stuff like that, i'm gonna use his stuff for whole game, levels etc. :(
Okie dokie. Thanks for your interest and good luck with your project!
Hi FoxSynergy, nice track!
Would it be possible to get the different tunes/loops (I don't know the correct word for it) separately? I'd like to experiment with playing the basic loop throughough the game and then fading in/out the others depending on the enemies on screen.
Thanks, Pompei2! I did most of the track in eJay 7 but it's not all stock material at all -- the source file may not be of much help but is yours if you want it. I could put a .WAV of the track up so you can cut it up as you like losslessly though, if that might be of any use.
I didn't mean to imply that it's all stock material, sorry. What would be most useful is to have separate files for the sound which starts at 0:00, and the ones which blend in around 0:08, 0:18, 0:35, and so on such that I can kinda fade some in and out programmatically at different stages in the levels. Not sure if that clears it up. And yeah, wav would be perfect.
If it's not an easy thing to do, don't bother, as I mainly want to play/experiment with it and might very well end up not using the result at all.
The only reason I mentioned the non-stock was that it unfortunately makes the project file non-portable (having that would be the easiest way to mix it up yourself). As it was the first track I did in that software, the v0.8 version is all pack-in stuff. It's missing some of the bright synth and highlights of the later ones but you're welcome to its project file in case it would help. A regrettable limitation of the software is that it is unable to export sections. I regret that I may not have the time to edit the file down to each sequence and output it in the near future but that would be the next best option, probably.
v0.96: Put back in some minor undertones that had been in v0.8. It's one layer deeper but subtle, so I'm not sure how many folks will notice the difference. :P
Ah, I see. The project file wouldn't help me as I don't have the software. Thanks for uploading it in wav format, I'll see how far I can get by slicing that one up.
Great music!
I used it in my game:
Thanks a lot for making and sharing!
Sorry for the long delay in reply, PillowByte -- been rebuilding my setup and missed some emails. I'm really glad you like this one and thanks much for your support!
Hello! Awesome track! I've used it in my 2-hour Game Jam Game.
You can check it out here:
Hey FoxSynergy,
I really love this track.
So I made a remix of it here:
I hope you will appreciate.
thanks much much very thanks ....
thanks mate nice....
Hey I used this song in my game's end screen. Here you have the link to gamejolt if you want to check it :).
good music! I used this one in my JumpKing CustomMap. Also, I put on your name on credit. Thanks!