Card Stories - Creativity Card Game
Card Stories is a card game, inspired by games like Dixit or Apples to Apples, which are meant to make you play a bit with your creativity. : ) You pick a word, a set of cards, and have your friends guess which card matches your word.
A game goes like this:
1) Pick out a card, and then you write a story for your card (think of it as illustration commission, but in reverse.)
2) Other players will have to pick a card as well to add to the mix, based on the story told by you (this is to confuse other players while they figure out which one is the real card later!).
3) After the rest of the players have picked out their card, it generates the cards that they have chosen (a max of 6 players = 6 cards).
4) Voting begins and the persons who pick out the original card is the winner!
It's best played with a bunch of friends you know (as you can be more elaborate in guessing their choices :) ), but you can also play with other people on the server, or even bots if nobody's around when you get there - you'll see that bots aren't bad at guessing ;p
Would love to know what you think, and in particular if you have any ideas of improvements!
The game:

Interesting, it sounds like Dixit.
Very nice set. Thank you for the submission! :)
My pleasure :D