[LPC] Farming tilesets, magic animations and UI elements
- !CO Assets
- 02. Pixel Art - Environment
- 2d
- 2D 32x32
- 2D Tile-Based RPG Art for Trackless and Demiurge
- 2D::Animation/Effect
- 2D::BG/FG
- 2D::Tile::Orthogonal
- 2D::UI/HUD/Skin
- 8f16...
- A Pixel Art Collection
- AK TopDown Asset Packs
- Animated top down creatures.
- AshenFarms
- Asset inspo
- Assets
- Base pixel art for 3D pixelish RPG
- Best Orthogonal (rectangular) Tilesets for Tilemaps
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- Collected
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- Discontinuum
- Dog my life
- Dream 2D Game Art
- Encyclopedia Hortica Botanica | A farming game made with Godot and LPC assets
- Epic Pixelart RPG
- EW 2021
- Exterior
- Farm assets
- FarmMon
- Game Art
- Game Assets
- Godot RPG Sample
- Great 2D Art
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- hero game
- HQ 2D & Isometric
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- lpc
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- LPC Farming Game Collection
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- maybe assets for Treasure (+other)
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- Non-Commercial - Art
- Ociean bounty
- Oddball Gamez LPC Style
- OGA Jam 2023
- Pixel Tilesets
- PixelFarm
- Potential HTML5 RPG Assets
- Random Art
- RobRPG
- RPG Game
- RPG Game
- RPG Items
- RPG Stuff Collection
- RPG Tiles
- Sample Sprites Collection
- Shepherd
- Skinship GUI test elements
- Sprites
- Stendhal Potential
- Stuff I'm using
- stuff used
- TDS: Garden/outdoors related
- TDS: Magic related
- Test
- test
- The Last Score Art
- The Necromancer's Apprentice
- tone town
- Top Down 2D JRPG 32x32 Art Collection
- Top Down RPG Pixel Art
- topdown tiles
- Tower Defense Art
- Type - Art Pack
- Unsealed: Whispers of Wisdom
- Use
- Used in Hero of Allacrost
- Used in Valyria tear
- User Interface
- Workable style 32x32 tiles
- Zelda Like RPG
- [LPC] Farming
Farming tilesets, magic animations and UI elements
LPC submission by Daniel Eddeland
The submission contains:
*Tilesets of plants, props, food and environments, suitable for farming / fishing sims and other games. Includes wheat, grass, sand tilesets, fence tilesets and plants such as corn and tomato. Also includes village/marketplace objects like sacks, food, some smithing equipment, tables and stalls.
*Animations for magic attacks and shields: Fire Lion, Ice shield, Torrentacle (water tentacle), Snakebite and Turtle shell.
*Some UI elements of scrolls and wooden blocks.
*A sword with animation, and a 3-frame "grab" animation, in the "character" directory.
Some of the art in this archive are based on base assets for the LPC competition. At the time of writing
those base assets can be found at:

you broke the .tar.gz suffix which makes the gui packager failing. Extracting via console works of course.
it is a problem with this site adding the '_'
This is incredible!
Daneeklu, I already told you in IRC how much I like this pack, but still I want to give you a comment here, I love it! I hope I will be able to make a farm sim. Anyhow, good job on the textures man.
For the people with the same question I had, Daneeklu told me the vegetables are named like this from left to right:
tomato, potato, carrot, artichoke, red pepper (aka bell pepper aka capsicum), zucchini, corn
Just thought I would share it, so everyone knows what's what. Thanks for pointing that out in IRC Daneeklu :).
With regards,
I used the corn, carrots and some bits of your UI in my game here
Thank you very much for sharing it
Hi, I need help in extracting the file. I am using Ubuntu 12.04. I tried the GUI extracter, but it is not working with this file. Alos, I tried to use the "tar -zxvf {file.tar.gz}" command, with and without renaming the file as "tar.gz" i.e. removing the "_". But, only errors appear. Please post the commands to extract this file.
I am also using Ubuntu 12.04, and I got it working using the following commands:
gunzip lpc_daneeklu.tar_.gz
tar -xf lpc_daneeklu.tar_
cd submission_daneeklu/
Thanks forthevin, the file extracted. Thanks again.
Np, happy to help :).
Cant get this unpacked on Windows. Guess that was the goal of it.
Your magic animations are awesome!
This is great! I used some of these tiles as references for a higher resolution farm set. Your corn is beautifully done.
Can anyone Zip this? cuz i cannot open it currently.
For anyone still having trouble extracting this on windows, extract it three times using 7-zip.
Just found this game on Kongregate using these assets:
That's awesome.
Wait scroll HUB assets? That's awesome! That'd work excellently for my game UI which has some scroll aspects to it. Sweet I'll definitely take a look at this.
can i possibly use this for iphone rpg?
Awesome work, If its OK with you I'll be using these in my Farm52 remake!
Nice !! Thx ;D
I was able to extract it using 7-zip, but it really should be changed. It took me about 30 minutes to find a way to extract the file.
Whats the license of this images?
Are them your own images?
The licenses are always posted in the column at the left, but you should look at the descriptions for additional attribution information. I would assume that they belong to Daniel because he doesn't say otherwise?
Love it!
could you pls reupload this asset? tar.gz is broken...
Did some re-colors to the rowboat:
FOR ANYONE STRUGGLING TO UNZIP THIS - remove the _ from the end of .tar_.gz - the file extension should be .tar.gz, but it gets batched during upload. Remove the underscore and it unzips as normal.
Great tile set! Loving those market stalls.
same great flavor, but now in .zip format!
This looks so nice! It inspired me to make farming sprites of my own.
I defualt to using these for UI on many projects.
Just used this asset pack for a game over at: https://mrmuffinman61.itch.io/hungry-frog drop a comment and let me know what you think! :)
These are really great resources!!
@daneeklu Any chance you would consider using the OGA-3.0 license, so you get the same "share-alike" nature as cc-by-sa, but without the DRM clause, so games using your lovely assets can appear in the ios appstore?