Art Vs. Engineering
Hi everyone,
I use assets off this site for my small learning projects all the time. However, I feel guilty as I have nothing to give you all back in return. I work mainly in Unity3D and would be happy to give out fully functional prefabs, game code, or anything that people will find useful.
I was thinking the format to these contributions would be the prefab/scripts/etc. zipped up with a write up about what each prefab/object is and then link to the source code repository (probably github or gist) where you can get the latest if you want it.
I know this site mainly is for design and more art focused work. Before I go crazy posting things and inadvertandly irritating people I'll just ask. Is it OK for me to post engineering/programming/scripting work on OGA?
PS: I'd be willing to provide some basic tuturorials on game programing in Unity if people were interested.
Its pretty hard to irritate people around here :)
Full Steam Ahead! o/ <-- little ascii fist in the air holding a debugging hammer.
Good to know. I'll post up a prefab for Unity that I made using tongiht along with scripts to make it respond when your player runs over it :)
If it's well received and people generally seem to like it I'll keep posting!
As promised:
The only way to piss people off here would be to completely ignore the reason the site exists, like asking for closed source art for free for use in your commercial non-game project. Despite the fact you're not giving art, you are still hitting two of the targets: Open and game. Two thirds of the name of the site isn't too bad.
Hope those issues with the potions are cleared up soon, I would like to see its guts.