Temple Sidescroller Tileset
Saturday, August 18, 2012 - 05:19
Art Type:
- 16bit FPS
- 2D - Platformer/Sidescroller Tiles
- 2d Platformer
- 2D::Tile::Sidescroll
- A Pool: Unsorted (GDN)
- Android App Store Project
- Antur Resources
- ArcReign
- Assets selected for my open source platform game "Spinny the runner"
- ATFA: Redrak Ascending
- Castlevania Fan Game
- Cavernlock
- Collected
- gb conversion
- Good-looking side-view tilesets
- Gothic Platformer
- Interesting assets
- Metroidvania art
- Metroidvania Art
- NOT CC0 Tiles & Tilesets
- Open Surge
- Pixel Art
- Pixel Platformer
- plat-tiny
- Platformer/Sidescroller Tiles and Backgrounds
- Project 2019-2020
- RPG (non LPC)
- Sidescroller Ideas
- Temple and Ruins Assets
- The Forgotten King
- THEME: sci-fi / space
- Tileset and backgrounds for platforme games
- Tilesets and Backgrounds (PixelArt)
- Top Down 2D JRPG 32x32 Art Collection
Some little 32x32 tileset. Not very large or much variety because it was just made for one picture. Might be useful anyway.

Would look great with this - http://opengameart.org/content/castle-platformer
Thanks for sharing!
Nice job.
If you are looking for work, Supertux is sorta looking for some help.
#supertux on IRC
Er, he's looking for PAID work.
Unless I'm missing something the supertux guys aren't looking hire people to work on the game. :/
Sorry for the confusion, I changed the wording after ctdabomb wrote that. I thought it was obvious.
you can find a pixel art job very quickly here.