Beetle golem
Sunday, September 9, 2012 - 09:51
Art Type:
Created in Sculptris reduced MeshLab + Blender
if anyone is interested in commissions please email me, greetings!

Created in Sculptris reduced MeshLab + Blender
if anyone is interested in commissions please email me, greetings!
It would be great if you could add a note on how you want to be attributed.
Also, there seem to be some issues with CC-BY and CC-BY-SA with regards to assets being put on, for example, the Apple store. I'm sure people would love to know if you are fine with them using your asset for games that will go on such stores (Apple Appstore, etc) since the license is unclear on if they can or not.
Nice texture work!
It's Share Alike so probably for people who are not after releasing on commecial stores.
I had a whole block of comment here about licensing. Just read the FAQs and got my questions answered.
Nice blend btw!
Very nice work!
Well done!!