Many files in one node disort preview and are tiresome to download has a lot of files, all of them are different. 1. the preview is only one of the files. I will fix that in a second. 2. the amount of files makes behave studpid. one archive of files would be better 3. an alternative would be to create one node per planet. I however prefer an archive/multi-preview solution to many nodes! your thoughts please on this situation so we can figure out a common behavior for the future. for example many of trak's textures perhaps might be bundled in a similar way. the most important thing for me is that the preview shows everything that is available in the archive you can download.
This is why we need art packs. It's going to be a big feature, and I need to wait for things to die down a bit at work before I can really attempt it. I'll take some time, both in planning and implementation.
all right, looking forward to it :) I wonder if it's what I think it is ;)
...on if what you think it is is what I think you think it is ;).
Art packs will be really cool! Just make sure you don't burn yourself out :).