LPC beetle
Sunday, July 8, 2012 - 13:27
Art Type:
- 01. Pixel Art - Characters
- 1 agents
- 2d platformer
- 2D::Sprite::Orthogonal
- 2D::Sprite::Sidescroll
- 3/4 Directional Sprite Sets
- 3D Misc
- 4 Frame Walk Cycles
- A Pixel Art Collection
- A Simple Knight
- A treasure in town
- Animated top down creatures.
- AshenFarms
- Assets for making DOS games or games like in DOS in the early 90's
- Base pixel art for 3D pixelish RPG
- Billys Revenge artwork
- Bug Game
- Comb Hair
- Dark Platform
- Discontinuum
- DWSG (Using)
- Enemies and characters (Pixel Art)
- Epic Pixelart RPG
- GameCollection
- Generic Art Collection
- Godot RPG Sample
- hero game
- Honey Guardian
- Kujasa
- Liberated Pixel Cup
- long licence fantasy modern game
- LPC - Creatures and animals
- LPC Character Collection
- LPC Collection
- LPC Game assets
- LPC Wars
- maybe assets for Treasure (+other)
- Nuclear Teddy
- Orcish Adventure!
- Pixel Art - JRPG
- Platformer Pixel Art
- Potential HTML5 RPG Assets
- Project A - Mobs
- Roguelike
- RPG Characters
- RPG Game
- RPG Game
- RPG Stuff Collection
- Shooter
- Simple Demographic Model Collection
- Stendhal
- Survival Game
- Tale of Two Lands
- Test
- The delusion
- Top Down 2D JRPG 32x32 Characters Art Collection
- Top Down Fantasy RPG for Commercial Use
- Top-down 2D RPG
- Tower Defense Art
- u3
- Use
- Used in Valyria tear
- wzleg Candidates
- Zelda Like RPG
Just a little beetle for the LPC. It's all ready for formatting, but I honestly didn't want to finish it. So yeah! Enjoy. There might be more monsters coming. Note that it has walking animations plus attacking (two rightmost frames on each row).
edit: added a hole from which they might spawn per request.
Attribution Instructions:
Stephen "Redshrike" Challener, plus a link back to opengameart.org
Copyright/Attribution Notice:
Stephen Challener (Redshrike), hosted by OpenGameArt.org

Bug looks awesome, and asks to be recolored for fire/ice/poison bettles. May I ask a favor? For us to be able to integrate this monster in our game, we need a den which spawns these monsters. Will you be so kind to consider creating one? It could be a simple mound.
PS: we absolutely have no graphic designers among us. What we can do is to split graphics and recoloring.
I even did the recoloring, if you wish to include them in your post, please do so, I dont require any credits as 99.99% is your work.
Fantastic, using it right now in a small project, along with your older beetle :p
Exactly what we needed :p
Yes, very glad to see another monster sprite!
Cheers Stephen, for this and other artwork which I'm using in my game. They are really high quality stuff.
Thanks guys!
@cemkalyoncu: I'll give it a shot tomorrow.
@tshirtman: Glad to hear it's useful!
@andrewj: Thanks!
Looks very nice. Any chance to get a death sprite?
@Ablu: will this do? I think Redshrike can do alot better.
I will do a sprite definition for our game and try how it looks. But thx a lot! (animation would be also possible btw)
@cemkalyoncu: How shall we credit you in our AUTHORS file?
@Ablu: credit Redshrike, if you really would like to include me as well (I dont ask for it), just my name would be enough.
@cemkalyoncu: and what license shall i list?
Same as Redshrike's, CC-BY, CC-BY-SA, GPL2+
Alright. cool. Added it to the game. Do you plan to do a death sprite for the other 3 directions as well?
Well all death animations are single sided. I am glad that I pulled that out. But if you really need them, I am willing to give it a try.
well there are no other monster death animations. and for characters it is too hard to add all + equipment. So would be nice if we could have one for this monster. thanks a lot in advance
can the beetle going in the north direction please not look like it's going up a wall lol. Other than that it is great!
I've added a very simple hole/spawn sprite thing to the listing. Is that what you were after?
Except for its size, its exactly what I was looking for. But it seems simple scaling to 2x works perfectly fine.
@Ablu: I did the death for othersides. But north facing one turned out to be pretty bad.
Thx a lot. just tried and works fine. up facing looks a bit strange indeed. But fine for me atm. Thanks a lot!
I gotta say, all this LPC stuff looks fantastic. Good job everyone!
I have no idea how or why a mace animation made it's way into this post but I'm going to try to turn it into an LPC asset (weapon animation sheet) with a bit of elbow greese and determination! Wish me luck!
William, we already have a mace animation somewhere.
There's an oversized animation on makrohn's Universal LPC spritesheet but it looks nothing like this mace. Plus, this would probably fit in a 64x64 square decently so it wouldn't need the oversized animation. I think I'm still going to try this tomorrow. Thanks for the heads-up though.
(I'm probably going to do a terrible job like I did with the short sword and ask someone to help fix it for me after I'm done >.< worth a shot.)
Ah, yeah, I'd sort of forgotten about this mace. I drew it up quickly for someone in the IRC during the contest and didn't feel like it deserved its own entry, so I just tossed it in this one to make sure that the formal licensing was in order. It should have the poses it needs to be put on the original slash animation--I just didn't want to take the time to do it myself at that point. I can produce weapons with those two/three poses pretty quickly, but the time it takes to add to the sheet is a bit more bothersome.
@cemkalyoncu: That is true, but it is indeed a different mace (by Daneeklu) so it wouldn't be totally redundant anyway.
I found the original layout less than useful for my purposes. I changed the tile size to 38x38 and included the death animation on the right side. I resized and slightly moved varios tiles to better looking positions, nothing new. Don't credit me, credit the author and contributors as they've asked.