50+ Monsters Pack 3D
These 3D models are part of a huge monster pack that I have been working on for a few years. As of version 1.0, there are 56 monsters. Everything included is licenced as Creative Commons 0 (CC0). All of the monster designs were made by isaiah658 except for monsters #26 and #47. Those are based on designs from j0j0n4th4n which I modified to fit the style of my other monsters. Both the original and modified versions are licenced as Creative Commons 0 (CC0). Original monster #26 and monster #47.
All of the 3D models are simply static 3D models. Nothing is rigged. There are no animations. The models are also haphazardly UV mapped to color palette textures. This means all details, like eyes, are made with geometry and not textures. The screenshots are taken from within the Minetest game engine which adds the shading to the 3D models.
I must admit, I'm not very good when it comes to making 3D models. These are the first 3D models that I've ever made. They are also tailored to my specific needs. With that said, hopefully they are useful to someone else as a starting point or even just inspiration for your own monsters.
Something unique about these 3D monsters is that I've also made a 2D version of this monster pack. It has all the same monsters you see here except 2D.
Do you like these monsters? Do you wish that you could play a game that uses these monsters? If so, you don't have to wait because it already exists! All of these monsters are used in my Minetest mod called Zoonami. You can collect, train, and battle all of these monsters. You can even battle your friends if you playing on the same server.
Minetest is an open source voxel game engine. Since Zoonami is a "mod" and not a standalone "game", you'll need to download a game first, such as Minetest Game or Mineclonia. Minetest allows you to browse both games and mods and install them automatically via the in-game content manager, but you can also install them manually. You can also install the Zoonami 3D Mobs mod to change the 2D monsters roaming around into 3D monsters.
Because names fall under trademarks and not copyright, I have exluded names for the monsters. I don't want to mislead anyone into using a name that might be trademarked. I have instead numbered each monster.
I'm thankful for the skill and time God has given me to complete this project. I'm even more thankful that God has given me a path to Heaven through Jesus Christ. For anyone wondering how you can get right with God and have a path to Heaven, GotQuestions.org has answers. It introduced me to the Bible and I've continued using the website for over a decade.

Some nice concepts here. I particularly like #7, #16, #17, #22, #25, #26, #37, #40, and #46.
lovely designs, I see a lot of potential and they can be even "turn" into high poly by using normals and shaders without impacting performance (I love low poly art anyway but I also love experimenting with light and shaders, by combining both things you get amazing performant results).
Great job!
These are great!
We've already taken advantage of your generous CC0 licence to include some of these monsters in Tuxemon. I'd like to add the others as well - is there a list of names somewhere so I can make sure the names stay consistent across the two games?
Small thing, but the files #43 and #44 are reversed (Gruffalo is shown as #44 in the reference image but is file #43).
Probably the easiest thing would be to download the latest version of the Zoonami mod source code: https://codeberg.org/isaiah658/zoonami/archive/v1.3.0.zip
Then navigate to the textures > monsters > normal folder. Inside will have all of the 2D monster sprites with the file names including the monster names. You'll just have to make the first letter in each name uppercase. Once you have a name, you can then search for the stats in the lua > monsters.lua file to see what type it is, if it morphs into another monster, etc. You can obviously have different stats for your own game, but it might be helpful to get an idea as to what kind of monster it is.
As mentioned in the submission descriptions, just be mindful of trademarks. Names fall under trademarks, not copyright. I did some basic searches on search engines to make sure names didn't match other trademarked characters, but obviously I can't guarantee that they are safe to use.
This method works great, thank you!