Magic mush
Tuesday, September 3, 2024 - 00:57
Art Type:

Something something.. Mellow action platformer.
Long edit, so only MP3 available for download. Contact me if you need a shorter version of this in WAV format.
Copyright/Attribution Notice:
Creative Commons ZERO // Public domain
No attribution required

This is a great track to listen to on its own. It hits the mood of just going forwards with whatever it is that is at hand. A timestamp for looping would be great, but regardless, nice work!
Thank you so much for your kind words and thanks for listening. This one wasn't really designed to be seemless looping, but 02:46.976 (2minutes 46 seconds and 976 milliseconds) is about where it starts over, but there might be some echo/delay/reverb "bleed/cutting" issues.
I managed to get a seamless loop without issue.
You need to cut 1 second after the marker iamoneabe mentioned (02:46.976) and then perform a liner fade on it.
After that you mix it at the start of the main track.
If you find that too much work I have made it available via link below.
Please note that it's saved as FLAC as the MP3 format adds information to the start of the file which can result in a gap or audible click.
That works, too :) If anyone needs a loopable version for whatever that's a solid guide how to do it. Thanks ffor you effort <3
Much obliged to both of you! I was going to test out looping at the timestamp but simply slapping in the edited version works wonders.