Curse of the wolf & Forgotten eyes (Tausdei remixed)

Another mix with tracks by Tausdei:
Curse of the Wolf by Tausdei license: CC-BY 3.0
Forgotten eyes by Tausdei license:CC-BY-SA 3.0 OGA-BY 3.0
I also created a short loop with the following tracks:
Alarm in the temple of the winds by Tausdei License: CC-BY 3.0
Through the Mountains Synth by Tausdei License OGA-BY 3.0
Final common license: CC-BY 3.0
Update: I added a new mix which includes a new track: "Battle of the clock" by technodono License: CC-BY-SA 4.0
To respect the CC-BY-SA 4.0 license of "Battle of the Clock" the second mix (called "curseofWolf_forgotten_eyesMix4_2") will have CC-BY-SA 4.0 license, the other first mix and loops remains with CC-BY 3.0
- last version "curseofWolf_forgotten_eyesMix4_3" adds a fade in filter effect at the beginning of the track, choose whatever you want.
I hope you like them!

Yay! Another one. I really like these.
Note that the license for a work derived of several sources must only be the licenses common to all sources. Since all OGA-BY assets can be also be CC-BY, but CC-BY assets cannot be changed to OGA-BY, the "Least Common Denominator" in this case is just CC-BY 3.0, excluding OGA-BY 3.0.EDIT: Fixed, thanks! :)
Thank you MedicineStorm, I'm glad to read you like the mix.
I guess I'm kind of inspired these days :)
I've just corrected the license, hopefully is right now.
Great work! Love this song
Thank you Tausdei, I love to read that from the author of the tracks! I love the tracks and I had a lot of fun mixing them.