Durian Sprint
Monday, February 22, 2010 - 08:19
Seems that durian recently got a ton of quality models from the community that maybe we can use
There is a problem however in that http://www.blendswap.com/ has no licence for the models
What are your thoughts?
My first question would be, who can we talk to that runs the site? Maybe they can help us answer that question.
Actually it seems I was wrong
It does state clearly that all in durian is cc-by if you try to submit a file until stated otherwise
(damn the spam filter hates me)
Sorry about the spam filter, by the way. We had some people repeatedly posting the same spam link over and over again, and we had to do something about it. I'll add you to the "bypass spam filter" group.
Nice.. they do need to make the license stuff more obvious and credit the authors though :)
Nice collection. Most of the models look like high-quality and like they use a lot of polys and subsurf and that fancy stuff that won't work in games. There seem to be some lowpoly tough.
Nothing a retopology won't solve
Blenderswap recently posted a request for discussing license choices over there.
I think you people should comment on the article with your opinion regarding that topic.
I think the best would be if it took over OGA's licensing options ^^
I'll be happy as long as he keeps away from the NC/ND variations.
Please let him know by commenting on that article.
@qubodup: I already did - it's awaiting moderation. Here it is, in case you're curious:
Doing what we do at OpenGameArt is nice in that it maximizes compatibility while still being relatively easy. There are a few drawbacks however. At the very least you should add CC0 to the list; think of it as a more international way to dedicate something to the public domain.
Like qubodup, I strongly suggest against adding the NC and ND variations; not only are they non-free, you also end up with four(!) new license combinations. The NC license in particular has the additional “benefit” that it’s not always clear what exactly constitutes commercial use.
Great :) I agree that cc0 might be a good addition to any content sharing site. Sometimes it's just appropriate :)
I really like the result of that poll :) seems they're going with CC-0 / CC-By