5 Chiptunes (Action)
Sunday, April 17, 2016 - 10:18
Art Type:
- A Simple Knight (considered graphics)
- Astar
- Asteria
- Audio - Commercial use OK
- Audio 8-bits
- audio::music::space
- awesome 2d shooter
- Beasts & Brutes considering music
- bleeding-tube
- bundle
- CC0 Chiptunes
- CC0 Music
- CC0 Music
- Chiptune
- Digital_Music_Collection
- Downloaded
- FLYAssets
- Galactagirl
- Goblin Adventure
- Grapplers: Relic Rivals Music
- Match 3 Game
- Mega Man Clone
- Metroidvania art
- music
- Music
- Music - Chip & Techno
- Music Amongus
- music for chibimmo
- Music Stuffs
- music-8-16bit
- My Collection
- Nice Chiptunes
- pixel art
- Possible Game Music
- Project: SR Music
- Quality game assets
- RhythZard
- RPG::Music
- RPG::Music::Battle
- Smash
- SS: Catchy Music
- The Best of OGA Music
- Thing game assets?
- Time Traveling Ninjas And Angel Pirates
- TITLEWave Aesthetic
- Truly Truly Public Domain
- video game music
- Ze Audio Album

5 tracks, all seamlessly looping!
Thanks for listening!

Totally rocking chip tunes. Well done.
I'm using this in my game engine project and the demo project that is therein. You're credited. Thank you work your fantastic work again.
Fantastic song !
Thanks for sharing
I have used this to a GameJam : https://itch.io/jam/vgl-game-jam-2021/rate/1269010#post-4884570
I used your song "Level 3" in the trailer for my upcoming idle game (and gave you credit). Great work!
The ending song is ironically perfect for the intro song in the first adventure in the Many Adventures of Marzipan (a recreation of the old RPG Maker games I wrote for her birthday.)
Amazing songs, used them in my game Protect the Wizard for a game jam. Credit in game and on page.
These are absolutely incredible!
Great music!
I used it in my Battle City-inspired game, Panzer!
You can see the trailer here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yDIdeb9zq50
Amazing music! I used it in a local multiplayer Game Jam game called Nebulords. It fits perfectly!
You can play it here: https://yajastudio.itch.io/nebulords
And here's a trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HNxxnrKYH3g&t
This is seriously some of the best chiptune music on this platform! It's catchy, has a good flow and pumps you up! These song really want to make me make a new game and when I do I'm definitely using these songs! :D
Keep up God tier work my guy and I yearn for the day another one of these chiptune packs come out! :D
pretty sweet tune! reminds me of mega man rock man stuff!
Made a small roguelike top-down shooter using your pack. Made in 2 weeks for the GDKO 2023 game jam. Appreciate you making this pack available!
Play Thoraxis.
Thank you very much for sharing your music! I have used three of your songs for the gameplay background music in my new game. I've also credited you both in the in game credits and on the store page. If you're interested in checking it out, here is a link: https://goobandcostudios.itch.io/spacebar-invaders
Awesome tracks! I'll use two of them in my upcoming game:
Awesome! So generous for sharing it under cc0 license. Believe it or not, I used it in one of my YouTube videos:
These are great and just what I was looking for! Thank you!!!
I used "Level 1" for the launch trailers for my 2D PVP platformer, Grapplers: Relic Rivals and added you to the credits of the game. This song has an incredibly upeat energy and got me extremely excited to make the trailer! Thank you so much!
Long trailer: https://youtu.be/9R29xftbmpk
Short tailer: https://youtu.be/6npooi84w9M
Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/2906890/Grapplers_Relic_Rivals/
If you'd like a free Steam key for the game, hit me up and I can send you one. Try messaging me on here first, but if I don't respond (I don't check this site much), send me an email (AllyProductionsGames@Gmail.com), explain who you are, and I can send you one. Again, thanks for the rad music!
Yo first and foremost, thank you so very much for sharing this wonderful music with all of us. Secondly, this GOES SO FKN HARD I'M ALMOST 40 BUT I'M JUMPING AROUND MY ROOM LIKE A 21YO AT HIS FIRST FESTIVAL
nice, great sounds
would love to get a hold of the FLPs for these so i can edit them to match the vibe of my friends game