Tiny Tactics - Battle Kit I
Monday, April 29, 2024 - 20:03
Art Type:
Are you needing some colourful isometric assets for your tactical RPG? Look no further:
- 3 animated characters;
- Mage;
- Cleric;
- Fighter;
- Each character has 4 animations and 10 states. Frames can be combined to create more complex animations, such as changing from charging state to item in order to create a jump animation;
- 6 animated weapons;
- Wooden Sword;
- Wooden Staff;
- Hatchet;
- Iron Axe;
- Iron Sword;
- Scepter;
- Plenty of walkable terrain;
- Dirt;
- Grass;
- Water;
- Bridge;
- Fallen log;
- Pavement;
- Terrains have both height and inclination variation, allowing the composition of more complex scenes;
- Doodads;
- 2 types of flowers;
- 2 types of rocks;
- 1 tree;
- Over 200 tiles;
There is no outline baked on the tileset due to the number of possible variations, thus it is better to implement that through code.
Asset pack made for the Pixel Asset Pack Jam #7.

Wow, this looks great! Definitely helps fill a niche left mostly untouched on OGA.
OGA allows many images. Just first added will be considered as preview and shown outside of the pack so I would also recommend you to add those gifs here too
Ah, great to know! I am still figuring out the ropes on how OGA works. Thanks as always, mate!
Ah that is good to know! This can let me decide where to move next. I will expand on these once I am done with my Tiny RPG series, which will have some more CC0 stuff along the way. I am also thinking about tackling some pre-rendered isometric stuff, let me see how my experimentation goes. Thanks for the input, mate!
So awesome, I would love to see something in the style of Advance Wars made by you :)